Get Involved

Every voice is very important. Write your representative of U.S. Congress about your industry or business issue. Have an opinion about a bill that you would like to share with your local legislator? They work for you, contact them now!

Why Advocate?

Members of Congress and the ARTBA & IRTBA want and need to hear from you because:

  • You are the most qualified person to explain how issues impact the transportation design and construction industry because you see what’s happening on the ground level.
  • Legislators are accountable to their voters and if you are one of their constituents they are going to be interested in what you have to say.
  • When you advocate and communicate your issues, concerns and suggest solutions you have an opportunity to influence legislation and policy.
  • Legislators are accountable to their voters and if you are one of their constituents they are going to be interested in what you have to say.
  • You gain exposure and visibility for your issues and keep them on your legislators mind.


Prepare for Advocacy

A mobile app -- Transportation Construction Advocate™ -- was rolled out by our national affiliate, the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), to help the public and private sectors of the transportation construction industry and other interested stakeholders to communicate easily with members of Congress about the importance of infrastructure investment to the U.S. economy. It puts all the information you need for upcoming legislative meetings at your fingertips.


How Can You Help?

There are several things that you can do to get Congress to act:

  • Stay informed
  • Get involved
  • Participate in legislative and grassroots briefings and Washington, D.C. and Springfield advocacy visits
  • Respond to Association Calls-to-Action 
  • Share the priorities of the industry with your colleagues


Advocacy Do's

Advocate on a national and state level using the following tips:

  • Share your expertise
  • Focus on your elected officials
  • Keep it simple
  • Who, what, when, where, how, why
  • Be specific in your "Ask"
  • Provide examples and anecdotes
  • Use data/statistics to help make your point
  • Establish relationships
  • Follow up and be persistent
  • Become a resource


Contact: Mike Sturino | President & CEO | E: | P: (630) 773-1220