Reform the Transportation System

The IRTBA supports a free market system and supports limited intrusion by government in the marketplace.

Supports Increased Communication & Collaboration Between Agency, Labor, & Members of Industry 

Consequently, the IRTBA will oppose bills that limit communication between contractors and the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) such as some provisions in SB51. 

Supports efforts to improve the public system while enhancing the efficiency of transportation agencies by making them fiscally responsible, accountable to the public, and transparent through efforts that:

  1. Require IDOT and the Tollway to publish criteria for establishing DBE goals on every project;
  2. Create amendments to end the no cure period (SB351);
  3. Require that all IDOT related legislation go through the Illinois Joint Commission on Administrative Rules (JCAR) process; 
  4. Create processes that allow for timely design, regulatory approval, prompt construction, and payment of projects; 
  5. Require IDOT/Tollway to publish standards for “good faith efforts”;
  6. Require IDOT/Tollway to publish any and all approvals and rejections of DBE goal modification requests and reasons for the approval or rejection.

Supports Identifying Increased Multi-modal Funding Sources

The IRTBA supports an intermodal transportation system and believes that legislation should be identified to increase the funding sources that would allow the state to enhance multimodal programs throughout Illinois. Such programs would include public transportation, passenger and freight rail, ports, and air travel.

Opposes Legislation & Administrative Actions that Dilute Highway Funds

Transit and livability issues deserve their own robust source of funding. The Highway Trust Fund (HTF) must remain intact for needed road and bridge work.